Within the context of k8sdc, a Capability is the definition of a set of desired attributes that apply to a particular domain within an IT system, i.e. cluster management, monitoring, logging, etc. A Capability is implemented by a Solution and there can be more than one equivalent Solution to a Capability, leaving the choice of which Solution to use up to the end user.
Current Capabilities
The Capabilities that are currently implemented within k8sdc are listed in the following table.
Capability Roadmap
Next Capabilities
The following Capabilities will be added to k8sdc in the near future.
- Git hosting.
- Dropbox like file synchronisation.
- Chat / Messaging.
Future Capabilities
The following Capabilities will be added to k8sdc in the future.
- PaaS.
- Code review.
- Blog.
- Wiki.
- CMS.
- Forum.
- Email.
- Project management.
- Reporting and analytics.
- VPN.
- Performance / usability testing.
- Database as a service.
- Caching.
- Batch.
- etc.....