
The k8sdc platform can be installed using a number of different Providers. The k8sdc command allows for all Providers to have a similar method of installation.

Test environment

k8sdc is a new project and is still considered experimental. As such testing has only been conducted with the Vagrant Provider on a limited set of environments. The following software versions are known to work.

  • macOS 10.12, CentOS 7.
  • Python 2.7.11, 2.7.12.
  • Ansible (must be this version as 2.2 breaks certificate generation).
  • Vagrant 1.8.7.
  • Virtualbox 5.0.28, 5.1.8.

Install the k8sdc command

The k8sdc command is implemented using Python. It can be installed using pip.


It is probably best to use a seperate Virtualenv or Pyenv environment.

$ pip install k8sdc

The following dependancies will be installed along with k8sdc.



Ansible will also install a number of its own dependancies.

Initialise k8sdc

Before installing k8sdc, a directory needs to be initialised with the files for a particular Provider. The following example uses Vagrant as the Provider.

$ mkdir ~/k8sdc
$ cd ~/k8sdc
$ k8sdc init -p vagrant


To install using the Vagrant Provider the following software versions must be installed.

  • Vagrant 1.8.7
  • Virtualbox 5.0.26 and above

Edit the provider.yaml file

If you wish to change the install defaults then you can review and edit the provider.yaml file that has been created in the install root directory.


Generate public / private key pair for admin user

You can generate your own public / private key pair for the admin user or make use of the sample ones provided. The key pair can be found in the keys/ directory of the install root.


Install the base components

The simplest way to install the k8sdc base components is by using k8sdc up.

$ k8sdc up


  • The default installation directory for the kubectl and helm commands is in the bin/ directory of the install root.
  • The initial install will take some time as the Solution images are also pulled so that the Solutions can be installed much faster.

Validate the install

Once k8sdc up has completed you should have a working installation of the k8sdc base components. To test this use the following commands.

$ export KUBECONFIG=`pwd`/config/kubectl.kubeconfig
$ bin/kubectl get nodes

You should see the set of Kubernetes hosts, i.e.

NAME                STATUS    AGE   Ready     5m   Ready     5m   Ready     5m

Install the Solutions

Once the k8sdc base components are installed the Solutions can be installed.

$ k8sdc sol

Currently the following Solutions will be installed.

Modify the local hosts file

Once the k8sdc Solutions are installed the local hosts file can be updated so that the Solution web UIs are accessible on the installation machine.

$ sudo k8sdc hosts


It is important to run the k8sdc command as root.

Access the Solutions

Now you can access the web UIs of the Solutions that provide one.

(cm1) Cluster Management

(im1) Identity Management

(m1) Metrics


Prometheus is currently non-functional.

(jm1) Job Management


More integration work needs to be done.

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