The k8sdc topology is comprised of both a base topology for the platform components and a topology for each of the Solutions.
Base Topology
The components that make up the k8sdc base topology are shown in the following diagram and described in the table beneath.
Name | Description |
Ansible Host | The Ansible Host is used to install, manage and update the k8sdc base components. |
Kubernetes Masters | The Kubernetes Masters manage the Kubernetes cluster. |
Kubernetes Nodes | The Kubernetes Nodes run the workloads. |
Fileserver | The Fileserver is used to download the installation media for the k8sdc base components. |
Image Registry Mirror | The Image Registry Mirror is used to cache pulled Docker images. This greatly improves performance for Kubernetes Nodes when using previously pulled images. |
CA | The CA (Certificate Authority) is used to generate the private keys and certificates for the k8sdc base components and the k8sdc Solutions. |
NTP Server | The NTP Server is used by the k8sdc nodes to synchronise the time and date. Vital in a distributed system . |
Solution Topology
Each Solution for a Capability has its own topology. Details of which can be found on the specific Solutions documentation page, i.e. Distributed Block Storage (Ceph).